Tony Esposito, International WELL Building Institute | Kevin Houser, Oregon State University
Location: Murray Hill
TuesdayMarch 19, 2024
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST
Credits 1 LU | HSW
Human-Centric Lighting (HCL) is an idiom intended to describe lighting design that considers the traditional elements of lighting quality rooted in human vision while simultaneously incorporating new insights about the non-visual effects of light. Humans have a wide range of visual and non-visual responses to light, so there is much to consider. We will synthesize key insights from the neuroscience and photobiology communities, summarize how such findings have been operationalized into lighting recommendations by organizations that include CIE, WELL, and UL, and detail a 5-step lighting design process that supports the development of defensible design criteria and informed design decisions.
Learning Objectives
- Appreciate ways in which thoughtful lighting design balances requirements for vision and health.
- Appreciate that Human-Centric Lighting is not a single idea with a well-defined meaning, but a spectrum of concepts that vary with user and intent.
- Be aware of lighting recommendations that are intended to support photobiological health for day-active people.
- Be empowered to immediately apply the core concepts to support your own photobiological and circadian health.


Founder and Head Research Scientist | Lighting Research Solutions LLC
Dr. Tony Esposito is a lighting quality researcher with a background in lighting design and engineering. He is the Director and Light Concept Lead at the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), the Founder and Head Research Scientist at Lighting Research Solutions LLC (a lighting consultancy providing services in research, education, and development), and Co-Chair of the Color Committee of the Illuminating Engineering Society.

Kevin Houser obtained a Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering from Penn State University in 1997, where he specialized in applied illuminating engineering. Today, he is a Professor at Oregon State University with a joint appointment at the US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. He is the former editor-in-chief of LEUKOS, the journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) of North America and co-founder of Lyralux, Inc. He has published more than 125 publications about lighting in the built environment. His papers have been awarded the CIBSE Leon Gaster and Walsh Weston Awards and the IES Taylor Technical Talent Award three times. He is a Fellow of IES and a recipient of the IES Presidential Award. His work focuses on human perceptual and biological responses to light in a context that balances human needs with planetary health.