Rita Renner, McWong International | C. Webster Marsh, Penumbra Controls
Location: Nassau
TuesdayMarch 19, 2024
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST
Credits 1 LU | Elective
There are many reasons why one would want to design wireless mesh lighting controls, but how do you make sure that the project meets the owner’s budget, preserves a flexible system, and gains the approval of the project team? Then, how do you specify and document these systems? Presenters Rita Renner and C. Webster Marsh will provide guidelines for a successful wireless mesh specification package, with a detailed look at project design goals, technology evaluation, and equipment selection. Join them as they review lessons learned from wireless mesh control projects in operation and best practices for project execution.
Learning Objectives
- Attendees will gain a basic understanding of what wireless mesh control technology is and what projects it’s a good fit for.
- Presenters will share best practices for building a project specification, including detailed exploration of design goals, technology, and cost-benefit evaluation.
- Attendees will explore how to facilitate discussions and coordinate with a project team for selecting wireless mesh, including overcoming reservations about range and other concerns.
- Presenters will offer overviews of unique and recent projects and how lessons learned from these projects can inform best practices in the specification process.


Seasoned in cleantech and energy efficiency, Rita A. Renner has held senior marketing and outreach positions in the lighting controls industry, including WattStopper, Echelon and mwConnect. As a consultant, she has served clients in pre-IPO lighting controls companies, electrical/data construction, professional services firms, and policy making organizations. Rita has a B.A. summa cum laude from Mount Mary College and a J.D. cum laude from Santa Clara University School of Law.

C. Webster Marsh is a Project Manager for Boston Illumination Group and the Owner of Penumbra Controls, where he provides lighting controls design and specification guidance and education. Webster brings over 15 years of applied experience with lighting and controls, and he enjoys sharing his wealth of knowledge with the lighting and lighting controls industry. Webster is a Certified Lighting Controls Practitioner (CLCP), Lighting Controls Association contributor, instructor for the Southern California Edison Energy Education Centers, member of the Lighting Agora, member of the IESNA, and past speaker for Lightfair, IES Annual Conference, and LEDucation. In his spare time, Webster is a contributor to the Lighting Controls Association's educational resources and co-hosts the Lighting Controls Podcast.