Reducing Its Contribution to Skyglow
Craig Bernecker, The New School, Parsons School of Design | Ajin Cho, Domingo Gonzalez Associates
Location: Murray Hill
TuesdayMarch 19, 2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm EST
Credits 1 LU | Elective
As there is no method to quantify the adverse effects of facade lighting, lighting designers should assess direct upward light and reflected light during the design process to reduce facade lighting’s contribution to skyglow. This paper proposes a new methodology that utilizes the existing widespread photometric calculation tool in the lighting design industry.
A fundamental understanding of lighting technologies and lighting metrics is recommend for this presentation.
Learning Objectives
- Identify different facade typologies
- Characterize the different lighting methodologies relative to facade typology
- Recognize how lighting analysis software can be a tool for assessing the sky glow generated by facade lighting
- Compare facade lighting techniques to ascertain their respective contributions to sky glow


Dr. Bernecker, Ph.D., FIESNA, LC has been a lighting educator for over 40 years. He is founder of The Lighting Education Institute, providing professional education, and Professor of Lighting Design and Director of the Masters of Fine Arts in Lighting Design program at Parsons School of Design, The New School. Prior to founding The Lighting Education Institute, he directed the lighting education program within the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State University. He has published more than fifty articles on research and education in lighting design and illumination engineering and is known for his work on the psychological aspects of lighting. He also maintains an active consulting practice, providing lighting design services and serving as an expert consultant on many projects and as an expert witness on many legal cases. He regularly serves as a peer reviewer for lighting research proposals and projects sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy.
He further served for 15 years as Educational Facilitator for LIGHTFAIR International, coordinating the development of the annual conference program, and annually teaches an online lighting certification review course in preparation for the NCQLP LC exam.
Dr. Bernecker has served the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) as Vice-President for Technical and Research Activities (1991-1993) and Vice-President for Educational Activities (1993-1995). More recently, he served the Society in its highest office, as Senior Vice-President for 2003-2004, President for 2004-2005, and Immediate Past President for 2005-2006. As a result of his contributions to lighting education, the Society named him a Fellow in 1991, and for his service to the IES, the Distinguished Service Award in 2017. He also received the 2021 LIT Lighting Design Awards Lifetime Achievement Award and the 2024 Edison Report Lifetime Achievement Award

Ajin Cho, is a lighting designer at Domingo Gonzalez Associates. She graduated from Parsons MFA Lighting Design in May 2023. She studied architecture during her undergraduate and had four years of experience as a visual merchandising designer in Korea. Ajin's goal is to be an influential lighting designer who can convey the necessity of lighting design for a sustainable environment. She aims to contribute to the lighting design industry with various research and design investigations of materials and lighting strategies that could affect human life.