Author name: Randy Caruso

2023 Panel Discussion: The Lighting Evolution of the Veterans Room Park Ave Armory

Carla Ross Allen and Paul Marantz from Fisher Marantz Stone; Kirsten Reoch, Park Avenue Armory; Dawn Ladd, Aurora Lampworks; and Marija Brdarski, Herzog & de Meuron TuesdayMarch 7, 20231:00pm โ€“ 2:30pm EST Room Location: Murray Hill IntermediateCredits: 1.5 LU / Elective The Veterans Room at the Park Avenue Armory is an extraordinary example of Gilded Age opulence in America. Completed in 1881 by Louis Comfort Tiffany, Stanford White, Candace Wheeler and Samuel Colman, the room was illuminated by decorative, hand-forged gas fixtures. Lighting designer Paul Marantz (Fisher Marantz Stone), and lighting restorer Dawn Ladd (Aurora Lampworks) will discuss how these fixtures were converted from gas to electric in the early 1900s and retrofitted to accept integrated LEDs during the room’s recent restoration. Learning Objectives SPEAKERS Paul MarantzFounder / Consulting Design Principal, Fisher Marantz Stone Mr. Marantz has had an interest in light from the age of 10 thanks to a […]

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2023 Panel Discussion: Go Solar! Solar Street and Pathway Lighting are a Reality!

Sandra Stashik, Selux; AJ Pualani, Selux; Nancy Clanton, Clanton & Associates; and David Schmitt, Clanton & Associates WednesdayMarch 8, 20239:00am โ€“ 10:30am EST Room Location: Murray Hill IntermediateCredits: 1.5 LU / Elective This session will look at one of the ways we can help reduce greenhouse gases in our design practices. As lighting professionals, we have been designing with more and more efficacious luminaires and improved control systems to only have light on when needed. Solar powered lighting takes this to the next level by removing exterior nighttime lighting from the electric grid altogether with no dependance on fossil fuels. Off-grid Solar lighting also provides the added benefit of delivering light when the electric grid in down during storms or natural disasters. This presentation will provide attendees with an overview of solar powered luminaire systems with an emphasis on systems independent of the electric grid. What are photovoltaics and how

2023 Panel Discussion: Go Solar! Solar Street and Pathway Lighting are a Reality! Watch Video ยป

2023 PoE Lighting in Smart Building Design

Akram Khalis, MHT TuesdayMarch 7, 20232:30pm โ€“ 3:30pm EST Room Location: Gramercy IntroductoryCredit: 1 LU / Elective This course will cover the basic framework and implementation of PoE lighting technology. Youโ€™ll learn what is Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) is, how it works, how PoE lighting integrates with building management systems (BMS), its potential for smart building automation, and its energy efficient benefits. Supporting documentation will cover PoE Network Architecture, Low Voltage (DC), PoE vs Line Voltage, and case studies in PoE lighting efficiency. Learning Objectives SPEAKERS Akram KhalisChief Technology Officer, MHT Akram Khalis (AK) serves as MHTโ€™s Technologies’ Chief Technology Officer and is the co-founder of Inspextor, leading the development and implementation of MHT’s Inspextorโ„ข hardware and software platform. Well regarded as an innovator and thought leader for his work developing PoE systems for lighting and smart building automation, AK has scaled and accelerated the growth of innovative technology for more than

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2023 Quantification of Perceived Spatial Brightness: Feu and MRSE

Craig Bernecker, The Lighting Education Institute/Parsons School of Design and An Hsu, One Lux Studio WednesdayMarch 8, 20232:00pm โ€“ 3:00pm EST Room Location: Nassau IntermediateCredit: 1 LU / Elective Several attempts have been made to define metrics other than illuminance to establish recommended light levels for spaces. Two of these, Feu and Mean Room surface Exitance (MRSE) are explored and compared relative to their prediction of the perceived level of light in spaces. Based on the initial work of a student thesis using computer analyses to evaluate how interior reflectance and light distribution influence perceived spatial brightness, the work is extended to conduct the same analyses with MRSE. Using this comparison, recommendations are made for Feu and MRSE for different applications in lieu of illuminance recommendations. Familiarity with illuminance is recommended for this session Learning Objectives SPEAKERS Craig BerneckerProfessor of Lighting Design, The Lighting Education Institute/Parsons School of Design Dr.

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2023 The Art of Landscape Lighting

Janet Lennox Moyer, Jan Moyer Design TuesdayMarch 7, 20232:00pm โ€“ 3:00pm EST Room Location: Nassau Credit: 1 LU / HSW Routledge, London has released Jan’s full color book of all she has learned through 47 years of landscape lighting. Jan will select projects through the book to share the information, ideas, techniques she honed and brought to the industry – helping us understand that landscape lighting is art. Learning Objectives SPEAKERS Janet Lennox MoyerOwner, Jan Moyer Design Janet Lennox Moyer, IALD, internationally known lighting designer has received many design awards, judged lighting competitions, been published extensively & taught all over the world since serving as teaching assistant for her undergraduate lighting course at MSU. Jan taught landscape lighting at UC Berkeley and Rutgers University in the Landscape Continuing Education departments during the 1980-1990s. Ms. Moyerโ€™s practice included interior, commercial/residential lighting. Her emphasis shifted to landscape lighting in 1983. Projects include

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2023 The Future of Lighting in the Metaverse

Erin McDannald, Lighting Environments and Environments by LE WednesdayMarch 8, 20239:30am โ€“ 10:30am EST Room Location: Gramercy IntroductoryCredit: 1 LU / Elective As many industries adopt the metaverse, the lighting industry has the opportunity to better embrace this technology. This presentation will focus on how lighting companies can get involved in the metaverse and how it will make a significant impact on business, customer service, and the environment. Attendees will learn how to design in the metaverse and about the benefits of hosting a virtual lighting showroom, circumventing the ongoing supply chain delays and rising costs of samples. Learning Objectives SPEAKERS Erin McDannaldCEO and Co-owner, Lighting Environments and Environments by LE Erin McDannald, CEO and co-owner of Lighting Environments and its subsidiary company, Environments, has guided clients throughout the lighting design and construction process for over two decades. Trained as an interior designer, McDannald joined Baltimoreโ€™s New Design Light firm

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2023 The Path to Sustainable Lighting

Ruairidh McGlynn, Stoane Lighting & Irene Mazzei, Stoane Lighting Virtual MondayMarch 6, 20233:30pm โ€“ 4:30pm EST IntroductoryCredit: 1 LU / Elective Implementing strategies to tackle the climate emergency is now a duty for all industrial sectors. Lighting plays a major role in modern society, therefore a shift towards more sustainable lighting products will bring important benefits to the environment. Following the principles of the circular economy, maintaining the productโ€™s value high for longer and making sure that the environmental impact of each life-cycle stage of the product is unequivocally quantified and kept at its minimum are some of the strategies that can be implemented by designers and manufacturers to meet the needs of low impact luminaire production. Learning Objectives SPEAKERS Ruairidh McGlynnHead of Specification Support, Stoane Lighting With a background in product design and engineering, Ruairidh has worked within the lighting industry for 15 years and leads the specification support

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2023 Trends and Technologies in LED Lighting for Horticulture

Brian Bennett, Thrive Agritech, Inc. TuesdayMarch 7, 20233:30pm – 4:30pm EST Room Location: Nassau IntermediateCredit: 1 LU / Elective Exponential revenue gains are forecasted for LED grow lights during the next five years. Market drivers include: legalization of cannabis across the US & Canada, the use of LEDs in supplemental greenhouse lighting, and generous utility subsidies for energy efficient lighting. The nascent horticulture market has similarities with the general lighting market from a decade ago, with opportunities for innovation and healthy margins as standards are set and the market matures. An understanding of horticulture lighting metrics such as micromoles and daily light integral would be helpful for this session. Learning Objectives SPEAKERS Brian BennettCEO, Thrive Agritech, Inc. Brian Bennett is the founder and CEO of Thrive Agritech and has held various senior management and design positions in the LED lighting industry ranging from venture-backed start-ups to Fortune Global 500 companies.

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2023 What is 1% Dimming?

JR Krauza, Coronet LED and Michael Hawkins, Stan Deutsch Associates TuesdayMarch 7, 20239:30am โ€“ 10:30am EST Room Location: Gramercy IntermediateCredit: 1 LU / Elective Weโ€™ve all seen it on cut sheets. 1% Dimming Driver. But what does that really mean? 1% light output? 1% energy usage? 1% Perceived light? The answer is simple. Yes. Well, and No. Join JR Krauza (Coronet) and Michael Hawkins (SDA) for a demonstration and discussion about the true meaning of 1% dimming and what it means for designers and manufacturers in the field. Learning Objectives SPEAKERS JR KrauzaVP Product, Coronet LED JR is a 23 year industry veteran. He spent 13 years as a Principle Designer at Focus Lighting taking home several Lumen and IES awards. He has spent the last 10 years working in Product Development bringing revolutionary fixtures to the design community. Michael HawkinsSpecification Sales, Stan Deutsch Associates With degrees in theatrical and

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