Understanding DMX controls systems and their integrations, and setting the behavioral narrative of your dynamic Lighting Design
Sahil Lotia, Mulvey & Banani Lighting
FridayMarch 15, 2024
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST
Credits 1 LU | Elective
The presentation aims at demystifying basic DMX concepts and terminology and provides an overview of the existing architectural DMX controls systems and their ability to seamlessly integrate with electrical and electronic devices such as emergency lighting circuits, occupancy sensors, exterior weather and motion sensors and utilizing music as well as ambient sounds to generate dynamic lighting patterns through a number of existing projects. In this presentation we’ll explore the importance of setting a behavioral narrative for the client through lighting by incorporating elements like flow riser diagrams, scene lists, and scheduled lighting scenes based on astronomical and real-time clock triggers.
Basic knowledge of color changing lighting is recommended.
Learning Objectives
- Introduction to basic DMX Concepts & Terminology
- Entry level overview of architectural DMX controls and how this protocol can be integrated with electrical and electronic devices
- Setting lighting scenes + other behavioral narrative for the client
- Existing Architectural Lighting projects utilizing DMX Controls and how environmental elements can dictate the dynamic behavior of lighting

Sahil Lotia is a Senior Lighting Designer at Mulvey & Banani Lighting, based in Toronto, Ontario. With a Master's degree in Lighting Design from the New York School of Interior Design and a multifaceted career that spans roles with leading manufacturers and lighting design firms, Sahil brings a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise to his body of work. His proficiency in a variety of light modeling software and application based knowledge of DMX controls and the respective programming tools adds a technological edge to his skill set. Sahil's award winning body of work includes but is not limited to projects from different facets such as commercial interior and mixed-use residential lighting, public realm art and sculpture lighting and heritage and landscape lighting.