Unauthorized hotel/travel solicitations and offers of visitor/attendee lists are continuing to be sent to many of our attendees, sponsors and exhibitors.
These solicitations ARE NOT associated with LEDucation. We do not recommend entering into financial agreement with any of these vendors as they have NO ASSOCIATION with the event or approval to represent themselves as such. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with LEDucation. Beware that entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies may have costly consequences.
Please email admin@leducation.org if you receive or have any questions regarding an unfamiliar solicitation.
Please note that The New York Hilton Midtown is the only official hotel provider associated with LEDucation. LEDucation hotel discount rates can be found HERE.
Following is a list of potential scammers. You may be receiving unsolicited emails/calls from:
- VHS Travel
- Conventioneers (marketing@conventioneers.us)
- 2022 Convenue LLC, Convenue Hotel Reservation (marketing@convenue.us)
- Reservations Team at e-bookings@exhibitorshub.com
- Check In Now – Housing Services (bookings@checkinow.com)
- EXPO Travel
- Hotel Reservation (Marketing@quickforbooking.com)
- Royal RTS (royalrts80@gmail.com)
- Tiana John from Streamlined Solutions (tradeshows@streamlinedsolutions.net)
Beware of Unauthorized Tradeshow Discount Shipping
- Dorothy Aho (daho@algtradeshow.com)
Beware of Unauthorized Attendee List Solicitations
Please note that LEDucation only provides an attendee list to LEDucation media sponsors. The attendee list is collected from attendees who OPT-IN and give “permission” to share their information. Attendee information is NOT SHARED if attendees choose the DO NOT OPT-IN option to share their information. LEDucation does not sell attendee or exhibitor contact information to anyone.
Following is a list of potential scammers. You may be receiving unsolicited emails from:
- Patricia Moore (patricia@esuccessme.live)
- Atharv Patil + Chris Morrissey Marketing Officer Samson Services LLC (hello@mail.samsontraining.in)
- Elen Clark (elen@kenstat.com)
- Lara Still (lara.still@softtechxpo.info)
- Baiky Lore (baiky.lore@tradeshowsinfocards.com)
- Lillian Hicks (lillian.hicks@eventsexcelinfo.com)
- Sandra Homes (attend3@attendeed.tech)
- Ben Ewy (ben.ewy@agilecertsg.com)
- Kathleen Ciaz (kathleen@sourcingexpos.com)
- Carol Smith (tol4@tolsena.com)
- Sue King (sueking.leads@gmail.com)
- Beth Hill (bethhill.leads@gmail.com)
- Helen Pardo (helen.pardo@tradeshow-network.com)
- Angie Pruitt (angie.pruitt@growstellars.com)
- Lori Williams (lori.williams@legiongrow.com)
- Grace Baker (grace.baker@crmglobaldata.tech)
- Doreen Calhoun (doreen.calhoun@leadzsources.com)
- Jennifer Taylor (jennifer.taylor@registredoptusleads.com)
- Alex Cooper (alex.cooper@datamarketing.services)
- Kathleen Coughlan (kathleen.c@exposdatalist.com)
- Susan Campana (susan.campana@eventbridgesmart.com)
- Laurie Baker (laurie.baker@eventsattendeesdata.com)
- Maira Rose (maria.rose@eventsvisitorsdetails.com)
- Mary Limon (mary.limon@listsattendeesevent.com)
- Evan Denis (evan.denis@Technologycampaigns.com)
- Ivy Sockol (ivy.sockol@exhibitionlistcart.com)
- Julia Pickersgill (julia.pickersgill@eventinfoinc.com)
- Eva Bilange (eva.bilange@infodatacenters.com)
- Jessica Kutz (jessica.kutz@eventleadsnetwork.com)
- Maria Bello (maria.bello@expodatakart.com)
- Ashley Blakemore (ashley.blakemore@infodatacenters.com)
- James Calvin (james.calvin@bizproleadscloud.com)
- Emily Robinson (emily.robinson@expodatacart.com)
- Gary Wozniak (gary.wozniak@agilecertsg.com) Sr. Marketing Analyst
- Alesha Dixon (alesha@tradeyourevent.com or aleshadixon@conftecs.com)Event and Trade Show Coordinator
- Kency Liu (exp@b2bexpoz.com)
- Laura Chera (laurachera2222@gmail.com)
- Refresh Show Leads
- Mia Cooper (miacooper.ingodata@gmail.com)
- Mila Thompson, Inside Sales Executive (Mila.Thompson@market-solution.com)
- Ruby John
- Anna James
- Carla Jewell, whitelistinc.us
- Nancy Harlan Lead Gen (B2B Division)
Please be advised if you receive an email that looks like the following image.
This is NOT a legitimate LEDucation email