Meghan McDonnell, Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
March 7, 2023
9:00am – 10:00am EST
Room Location: Nassau
Credit: 1 LU / Elective
Depending on the project location, controls and fixtures in the space, individual project needs, and the type of backup power used, emergency lighting requirements vary, and design can be complex. We help simplify the process by exploring key considerations such as whether the project uses a generator or an inverter, the benefits of standalone vs. a centralized emergency lighting control that’s part of an integrated lighting solution, and how to determine the appropriate sequence of operations for each space. You will learn how to approach emergency lighting design to deliver the best value, longevity, and performance for each project.
Learning Objectives
- Familiarity with updated UL 924-requirements – emergency lighting must actively monitor normal power to ensure emergency lighting is deployed within 10 seconds of power loss.
- Knowledge of four primary methods of implementing emergency lighting solutions: Standalone fixtures, general purpose fixture with emergency backup, zone-level ALCR and BCELTS, centralized control.
- Understand the emergency system architecture, your options, and how to select the appropriate solution best for the application and the desired performance.
- There is no universal approach to emergency lighting – it is important to approach every project as a unique design and include emergency lighting early in project discussions.

Meghan McDonnell
Senior Systems Applications Engineer, Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
Meghan McDonnell is a Senior System Sales Engineer at Lutron Electronics. She is focused on supporting the commercial sales force and developing innovative product applications for the field. Meghan specializes in high-end commercial systems and IT-related topics, and is an expert on driver applications for the OEM channel. She is also committed to training and education, advancing learning opportunities for lighting professionals, customers, and the Lutron sales team. Meghan has a BS in Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech.